This is the list of perfume bottles and bath & body products that Guerlain used. Most information gleaned from the book Guerlain, Perfume Bottles by Atlas & Monniot as well as my own bottles I have owned in the past. This is meant as a guide only and is a work in progress. Discrepancies may occur as bottles were used and reused over the years, some years, as a result, sizes and bottles might not correspond. If you have information to add, please let me know.
Flacon Abeilles (Bees) - c1828 - Present
Used for eaux de cologne and eaux de toilette. Made by Pochet et du Courval. Originally created to house 'Eau de Cologne Impériale' for the Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III; its decorative bees were a symbol of Napoleon and have since then, become Guerlain’s house symbol. You could get your bee bottle personalized with your monogram or the bees painted with gilded enamel.
Flacon Aigle (Eagle) c1985-1993
Used for Derby only. Made by Pochet et du Courval.
Flacon Amphore (Amphora) c1955-1982
Used for extraits of Ode, Shalimar, Chant D'Aromes, Liu, Jicky, L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Muguet, Chamade, Sous le Vent, Vol de Nuit, Une Fleur. Bottle made by both Baccarat and Pochet et du Courval.
Baccarat Flacons:
Flacon Borne (Boundary Stone) c1931- 1960s
Made by Pochet et du Courval to house extraits of Shalimar, Mitsouko, Jicky, L'Heure Bleue, Sillage and others.
Flacon Bouchon Coeur (Heart Shaped Stopper) c1912-Present
Flacon originally created to house extraits of L'Heure Bleue, Fol Arome and Mitsouko. Later used for special edition fragrances such as Le Petite Robe Noire, Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus, Shalimar.
Flacon manufactured by Baccarat, Pochet et du Courval,Verreries Brosse, Cristalleries de Nancy and Cristal Romesnil. Designed by Raymond Guerlain in collaboration with Baccarat.
Flacon Brun Fume (Brown Smoke) c1933 -?
Flacon made by Baccarat to hold extraits of Candide Effluve, A Travers Champs and Guerlinade. Candide Effluve was reissued in this Baccarat flacon as a limited edition in October 2007. Baccarat flacon #744
Flacon Canard
Flacon Capsule c1920-1971
Pochet & Du Courval created this bottle to hold Lotion Vegetale in various scents, such as L'Heure Bleue, Jicky, Shalimar, Mitsouko, Chant D'Aromes and others. Lotion Vegetale was a hair dressing created in 1900; this presentation was launched in 1920.
The Flacon Etruscan was created in the early 1900s to hold Lotion Vegetale. The cap was made up of gilded metal cast with a foliate motif. The bottle was made by Pochet et du Courval. The luxury edition had gilding on the shoulders and the base of the bottle. The classic bottle has no gilding, except on the stopper.
The bottle was made in three sizes:
Some of the scents were: Heliotrope, Jicky, Chypre, Fleurs Ambrees, L'Ether Aromatique, Ultra Fresca, Violette, and others.
Flacon Carre (Square) c1879 - ?
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de toilettes, eaux de colognes and lotion vegetal. It was mostly used in the 1870’s and 1880’s to hold the fragrances from Guerlain; and its apothecary shape was typical of the bottles used by all fragrance houses at that time.
Flacon Carre Bas de Forme (Low Square Form) c1880-1939
Bottle made by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de toilette, eaux de cologne and lotion vegetal in various scents.
Flacon Chamade c1969
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Chamade only.
Flacon Chant D'Aromes c1969
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Chant D'Aromes only.
Flacon Chauve Souris (The Bat) c1924
Urn shaped flacon designed by Raymond Guerlain and produced by Baccarat to hold only the extrait of Shalimar. The bottle was also produced by Pochet et du Courval, Saint Gobain des Jonqueres and Cristal Romesnil (1920s). This bottle came in several sizes from miniature to a huge factice. A rare example had a clear stopper, instead of the usual blue wash. Baccarat flacon #597. Shalimar was renamed No.90 for a short time during a lawsuit concerning another company who was using the name Shalimar for their perfume. You may find a rare No. 90 bottle with a clear translucent stopper, made by Baccarat. The earliest bottles feature a small hole drilled into the base of the stopper, in which threads would go through to seal and make a tassel. This feature dates these bottles to 1927-1936 according to a 1927 advertisement I have in the photo gallery showing a bottle with the hole in the stopper.
Flacon de Cave (Wine Flacon) c1830-1938
Also known as Flacon Chinois. Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval and used for eaux de colognes, eaux de toilettes. May be gilded.
Flacon de Guerre (War Time Edition) c1938-1945
Flacon de Voyage (Travel Bottle) c1955-2002
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold various eaux de toilette, other glass companies may have also manufactured the bottles over the years.
Flacon Eau de Guerlain c1974-1993
Flacon made only to hold Eau de Guerlain, bottle made by different manufacturers.
Flacon Elixir c1909-1939
Created by Pochet et du Courval.
Flacon Stiligoutte de Voyage c1934-1967?
Created by Pochet et du Courval. Used for Elixir de Guerlain Eau Dentifrice.
Flacon Empire c1902-1959
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of various perfumes such as Apres L'Ondee, and Sillage. Bottle, with gilded drapery, originally created to house the perfume Bon Vieux Temps.
Flacon Encrier (Inkwell) c1936-1959
Flacon created by Baccarat to hold the extrait of Vega only. Other bottles were made by Wheaton Glass in Millville,NJ.
Flacon Escargot (Snail) c1902-1962
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Mouchoir de Monsieur, Voilette de Madame and Ai Loe. Triangular shaped bottle; the stylization of the Guerlain name across its shoulder, becomes the body of a snail from which it takes its name.
Flacon Fleuri (Flower) c1900-1962
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Voila Pourquoi J’amais Rosine, also used for other scents like Muguet.
Flacon Goutte (Teardrop) c1923-2001
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de toilette only. Bottle also made by different manufacturers over the years. Created as the standard Eau de Toilette presentation. The frosted glass stopper is made of two cockle shells; the label depicts two dolphins known as ‘Etiquette Dauphin’. “Toilet water in an oval bottle with atomizer top is new, $5.” ( 1939) “Guerlain now has a $5 size of toilet water in all the popular fragrances such as Shalimar, L’Heure Bleue, Vol de Nuit, Coque D’Or, Liu, Mitsouko, Sous Le Vent and Jicky.” (1940, Drug and Cosmetic Industry, Volume 46)
This bottle held over 30 different perfumes, some are:
Different manufacturers:
Flacon Gratte Ciel (Sky Scraper) c1948-1960
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Atuana and Fleur de Feu. Also made by Baccarat. This flacon was also known as Fleur de Feu, named after its perfume. The name comes from the idea of flowers rising from the flames – like a phoenix; Guerlain’s first perfume after the Second World War.
Flacon Guerlilas c1927-1939
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Guerlilas and Guerlarose. Also produced by Pochet et du Courval.
Pochet et du Courval:
Flacon Guerlinade c1998
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Guerlinade, a reissued limited edition perfume for the 170th anniversary of Guerlain.
Flacon Lalique c1925-1963
Bottle created by Lalique to hold extraits of Bouquet de Faunes and Jasmin. The maiden’s face on the front of the bottle was taken from the entrance to the Guerlain boutique at 68 Avenue Champs-Elysées, Paris, France.
Flacon Lanterne (Lantern) c1935-1943
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Jicky, Rue de la Paix, Cuir de Russie, Jasmine, Sous le Vent, and others. The bottle was reissued in 1999 to hold a limited edition extrait of Guet Apens.
Flacon Louis XVI c1902-2002
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Apres L'Ondee, Muguet, Mouchoir de Monsieur, Violette a deux Sous, Aux Bon Vieux Temps, Sillage, Avril en Fleurs, Ai Loe and others. Flacon has also been used for special limited editions such as Chamade. The original box is white, cylindrically shaped and has Guerlain Paris in gold leaf.
Flacon Lyre c1921-1959
Flacon created by Baccarat to house Candide Effluve, A Travers Champs and Guerlinade. Also produced by Pochet et du Courval in a very small quantity for export to the USA. Baccarat flacon #475.
Flacon Mauresque (Moorish) c1910 - ?
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval for various perfumes. Beautifully enameled decoration. Based on a 17th century Persian or Moorish perfume flacon in the Guerlain family collection. This flacon was also used for other Guerlain perfumes. Specifically tailored for custom perfume. Guests can choose perfume bottle shape, stopper shape, decoration and color of flowers.
Flacon Montre (Watch) c1936 - 1999
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de cologne, first used with Cachet Jaune in 1936, also held various other scents such as Shalimar, Mitsouko, Jicky, Fol Arome, Chamade, Chant D'Aromes, Liu, L'Heure Bleue, Vol de Nuit, Sous Le Vent, Chypre 53, Parure and more. A 1950 article reads "Guerlain recommends spraying a room with their famous Shalimar eau de cologne. This is a lighter form of their famous perfume. Because it is lighter, it is less expensive and can be used more lavishly."
Flacon Nahema c1980-1992
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold Nahema..
Flacon Noeud Papillon (Butterfly Knot) c1937-1956
Baccarat created this bottle to contain the extraits of Dawamesk, Kriss, Champs Elysees and Coque d'Or. The bottle was available in cobalt blue glass, and cobalt with a gilded overlay. Bottles were also made by Pochet et du Courval. the stoppers were originally smooth but were later altered to facilitate opening. Baccarat flacon #770.
Baccarat (smooth or faceted stoppers):
Flacon Opaline c1951 - ?
Created by the Cristal et Bronze company and designed by R. Noirot, this flacon is decorated with enameled butterflies, it is meant to resemble the mid 19th century French opaline cologne bottles so popular in the Victorian era. The bottle held various standard Guerlain perfumes such as L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Jicky, Shalimar and it was also seen without any specific perfume name in the cartouche on the front of the bottle.
Flacon de Sac (Purse Bottle) /Parapluie Flacon (Umbrella Bottle) c1952-1978
A purse vial made by various glass manufacturers: Pochet et du Courval, Brosse and Saint Gobains Desjonqueres, (1952-1978). The first presentations were encased in boxes which coordinated with the perfume's name and style. Later presentations omit the box and the flacon is housed inside of a leather case.
Bottle held extraits of Shalimar, Ode, L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Jasmin, Vega, Jicky, Sous le Vent, Chant D'Aromes, Chamade, Vol de Nuit, Liu and possibly more:
Flacon Parure c1975-1987
Bottle created by various glasshouses to hold the feminine fragrance Parure.
Flacon Persane (Persian) c1900
Extremely rare and exceptional bottle, flask used for toilet water. Persane flacon, created by Pochet et du Courval in 1910. Based on a 17th century Persian perfume flacon in the Guerlain family collection. This flacon was also used for other Guerlain perfumes.Rumen cutting, long ringed neck. Flat cut stopper. On one side signed "HP" on the other side "Depose" and under the base "Guerlain Paris." Mold No. 12088. H: 21 cm Period 1900 Rue de Rivoli and Rue de la Paix.
Flacon Petit Beurre (Little Butter Pat) c1916 - ?
Limited edition flacon created by Baccarat and Pochet et du Courval. Housed various Guerlain fragrances such as L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Rue de la Paix, Candide Effluve, A Travers Champs, Fol Arome, Quand Vient L'Ete , Kadine, Guerlinade, Une Rose, Pour Troubler, Vague Souvenir and Champs Elysees.
Various Ancillary Products c1999-Present
These products were made with Guerlain's most popular fragrances, including Shalimar, Mitsouko, Samsara, Jicky, L'Instant, Champs-Elysee, Insolence, My Insolence, Idylle, Guerlain Homme, Coriolan, Vetiver, Habit Rouge, Jardins de Bagatelle, Le Petite Robe Noir, Shalimar Parfum Initial, Aqua Allegoria etc:
Flacon Abeilles (Bees) - c1828 - Present
Used for eaux de cologne and eaux de toilette. Made by Pochet et du Courval. Originally created to house 'Eau de Cologne Impériale' for the Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III; its decorative bees were a symbol of Napoleon and have since then, become Guerlain’s house symbol. You could get your bee bottle personalized with your monogram or the bees painted with gilded enamel.
- 125cc/125 ml/4.23 oz - 14 cm/5.15" (1947), ground ball stopper, then changed to plastic in 1982
- 250cc/250 ml/8.4 oz - 16 cm/6.3" (1947), ground ball stopper, then changed to plastic in 1982
- 500cc/500 ml/16.9 oz - 20 cm/7.87" (1947), ground ball stopper, then changed to plastic in 1982
- 1 liter/1000 ml - 23,5 cm/4.3"-9.25" (1853), truncated ground stopper, then changed to ball shape in 1947
- 2 liter/2000 ml - 31cm/8.27"-12.2" (1920), truncated ground stopper, then changed to ball shape in 1947
- In 1962, a cobalt prototype or limited edition was released, only for that year.
Flacon Aigle (Eagle) c1985-1993
Used for Derby only. Made by Pochet et du Courval.
- 50ml/1.7 oz - 9,3 cm/3.66" (1983)
- 100ml/3.4 oz - 11,5 cm/4.53" (1983)
- 200ml/6.7 oz - 14,2 cm/5.59" (1983)
- 500ml/16.9 oz - 19 cm/4.48" (1983)
Flacon Vinaigrier Ottoman (c1870s-1915?)
Beautiful ancient amphora styled flacon, sometimes you may find this with enameled designs. Extremely rare and exceptional bottle decanter-style "Vinaigrier Ottoman" colorless glass, molded, pressed cylindrical section, the lobed bulbous belly, high funnel neck, richly decorated with polychrome painted designs of oriental hand stopper olive red and blue painted richly accented with gold, created by Pochet et du Courval glassware. Model available at that time on special order. Stands 21 cm tall.
Used for extraits of Ode, Shalimar, Chant D'Aromes, Liu, Jicky, L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Muguet, Chamade, Sous le Vent, Vol de Nuit, Une Fleur. Bottle made by both Baccarat and Pochet et du Courval.
Baccarat Flacons:
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 14,5cm/5.71" (1955)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 18,3cm/7.2" (1955)
- 15cc/15ml/0.5 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" (1959) ground glass rosebud shaped stopper, changed to plastic rosebud screwcap in 1978.
- 20cc/20ml/0.676 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" (1955): gilt ground glass rosebud stopper
Flacon Borne (Boundary Stone) c1931- 1960s
Made by Pochet et du Courval to house extraits of Shalimar, Mitsouko, Jicky, L'Heure Bleue, Sillage and others.
- 82cc/82ml/2.7 oz - 10,5cm/4.13" (1931), ground blue glass truncated stopper in the shape of a French policeman's cap
- World War II Version, all clear glass, without cobalt blue band.
Flacon Bouchon Coeur (Heart Shaped Stopper) c1912-Present
Flacon originally created to house extraits of L'Heure Bleue, Fol Arome and Mitsouko. Later used for special edition fragrances such as Le Petite Robe Noire, Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus, Shalimar.
Flacon manufactured by Baccarat, Pochet et du Courval,Verreries Brosse, Cristalleries de Nancy and Cristal Romesnil. Designed by Raymond Guerlain in collaboration with Baccarat.
- 37ml/1.25 oz - 4"
- 40ml/1.35 oz - 9,5cm/3.74" (1912, updated edition in 1947)
- 50ml? - 10.8 cm/4.2" - (1911)
- 74ml/2.5 oz - 4.50"
- 80ml/2.77 oz - 11,8cm/4.65" (1912, updated edition in 1947)
- 80ml/2.5 oz - 4.75" (1947)
- 3 oz - 5"
- 119ml/4 oz - 5.25"
- 5.50"
- 125ml/4.2 oz - 13,8cm/5.43" (1912, updated edition in 1947)
- 236ml/8 oz - 6"
- 250ml/8.4 oz - 16,5cm/6.5" (1912, updated edition in 1947)
- 500ml/16.9 oz - 20cm/7.87" (1912, updated edition in 1947)
- 1 liter/1000ml - 24,5cm/9.65" (1912, updated edition in 1947)
- 7,5ml/1.25 oz - 6cm/2.36" (1984) : plastic stopper
- 10ml/0.388 oz - (1954) : ground glass stopper
- 15ml/0.5 oz - 7cm/2.76" (1979) : plastic stopper
- 20ml/0.676 oz - 8,2cm/3.23" (1935) : ground glass stopper, changed to plastic in 1968
- 30ml/1 oz - 9,2cm/3.62" (1924) : ground glass stopper, changed to plastic in 1960
- 37ml/1.25 oz - 4.50"
- 50ml/1.7 oz - 10,3cm/4.06" (1930) : ground glass stopper
- 60ml/2 oz - 13,4cm/5.28" (1962) : ground glass stopper, changed to plastic
- 85ml/2.87 oz - (1911) : changed to 80ml in 1929
- 125ml/4.2 oz 16.5cm/6.49"- (1911)
- 250ml/8.4 oz - (1911)
- 500ml/16.9 oz - (1911)
Flacon Bouchon Fleurs (Floral Stopper) c1914-1950
Flacon created by Pochet & du Courval to hold extraits of Mi Mai and Jasmiralda.
Flacon created by Pochet & du Courval to hold extraits of Mi Mai and Jasmiralda.
- 83cc/83ml/2.81 oz - 10,5cm/4.13" (1912-1951)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 12cm/4.72" (1912-1951)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - (1912-1951)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 18,3cm/7.2" (1912-1951)
- 1 liter/1000ml - 22,3cm/8.78" (1912-1951)
Flacon Bouchon Quadrilobe (Quatrefoil Stopper) c1908-Present
Flacon quadrilobe was made by five different glass manufacturers: Baccarat, Pochet et du Courval, St Gobain Desjonqueres, Cristalleries de Nancy, Cristal Romesnil, Verreries Brosse, and BSN-GD Flaconnage to hold extraits for various perfumes. Some later bottles hold eaux de toilette or eaux de parfum. Baccarat flacon #24. Created in 1908 for the fragrance Rue de la Paix and has been used since as the ‘house bottle’. The labels known as ‘etiquette laurier’ because of the laurel leaf borders, except for the perfume Coque D’Or, Dawamesk, Liu and Fleur de Feu which show a more 'modernist' design.
Since the bottle shape has been used for many decades, the various glassworks needed to modify their original moulds, including the bottle itself and the stopper. One should remember that with the change from ground glass stoppers to ones with the plastic plugs (plastemeri) - this automatically altered the overall capacity and size of the bottles. Atlas & Monniot in their book, mentioned that it would be "unreasonable" to list all the numerous changes that took place with these alterations. They state that "an original mould may have been modified up to five times for a bottle of the same capacity with only slight differences in the size."
Pochet et du Courval used six moulds:
- 10cc/10ml/0.338 oz - (mould #13613, from 1924) ground glass stopper, changed to plastic in 1962
- 10cc/10ml (mould #17077, from 1954) - ground glass stopper
- 20cc/20ml/0.676 oz (mould# 17529, from 1951) - ground glass stopper
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - (mould#17275, from 1949) - ground glass stopper
- 60cc/60ml/2 oz - (mould#19106, from 1962) - ground glass stopper, changed to plastic stopper
- 125ml/4.2oz - (mould#22120, from 1978) - crystal plastic stopper
- 7,5ml/1.25 oz - 5cm/1.97" (1980) : plastic stopper
- 10cc/10ml/0.338 oz - (1924) ground glass stopper, changed to plastic in 1962
- 10cc/10ml/0.338 oz - 5,6cm/2.2" (1954) : ground glass stopper
- 15ml/0.5 oz - 6,3cm/2.48" (1979) : plastic stopper
- 20cc/20ml/0.676 oz - 7cm/2.76" (1951) : ground glass stopper
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 8cm/3.15" (1924) : ground glass stopper changed to updated edition plus plastic stopper in 1962
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 8,5cm/3.35" (1949) : ground glass stopper
- 60cc/60ml/2 oz - 9,5cm/3.74" (1962) : ground glass stopper, changed to plastic stopper
- 80ml/2.7 oz - 9,7cm/3.82"
- 125ml/4.2 oz - 11,5cm/4.53" (1978) : plastic stopper
- 250ml/8.4 oz - 13,8cm/5.43" (1979) : plastic stopper
- 500ml/16.9 oz - 17cm/6.69" (1979) : plastic stopper
- 1 liter/1000ml - 22,5cm/8.86" (1979) : plastic stopper
Flacon Brun Fume (Brown Smoke) c1933 -?
Flacon made by Baccarat to hold extraits of Candide Effluve, A Travers Champs and Guerlinade. Candide Effluve was reissued in this Baccarat flacon as a limited edition in October 2007. Baccarat flacon #744
- 60cc/60ml/2 oz - (2007)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 12,8cm/5.04" (1933)
Flacon Capsule c1920-1971
Pochet & Du Courval created this bottle to hold Lotion Vegetale in various scents, such as L'Heure Bleue, Jicky, Shalimar, Mitsouko, Chant D'Aromes and others. Lotion Vegetale was a hair dressing created in 1900; this presentation was launched in 1920.
- 250ml/8.4 oz- 14,5cm/5.71" ground glass stopper with metal capsule flacon, discontinued in 1955
- 250ml/8.4 oz - 12-13cm/4.72" -5.2" - (1955) new size and with screw cap
- Newspaper type label from 1920-1966
- Oval label used from 1966 to 1971
Flacon Etruscan:
The Flacon Etruscan was created in the early 1900s to hold Lotion Vegetale. The cap was made up of gilded metal cast with a foliate motif. The bottle was made by Pochet et du Courval. The luxury edition had gilding on the shoulders and the base of the bottle. The classic bottle has no gilding, except on the stopper.
The bottle was made in three sizes:
- 80cc
- 90cc
- 250cc - 15cm tall
Some of the scents were: Heliotrope, Jicky, Chypre, Fleurs Ambrees, L'Ether Aromatique, Ultra Fresca, Violette, and others.
Flacon Carre (Square) c1879 - ?
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de toilettes, eaux de colognes and lotion vegetal. It was mostly used in the 1870’s and 1880’s to hold the fragrances from Guerlain; and its apothecary shape was typical of the bottles used by all fragrance houses at that time.
- 15cc/15ml/0.5 oz - 5,7cm/2.24" (1954, never sold, for demonstration only)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 6,9cm/2.72" (1930, never sold, for demonstration only)
- 70cc/70ml/2.37 oz - 9,5cm/3.74" (1875, discontinued in 1939)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 10,5cm/4.13"
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 11,5cm/4.53" (1879)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 14,5cm/5.71" (1879)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 19cm/7.48" (1880)
Flacon Carre Bas de Forme (Low Square Form) c1880-1939
Bottle made by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de toilette, eaux de cologne and lotion vegetal in various scents.
- 130cc/130ml/4.4 oz - 15cm/5.91"
- 332cc/332ml/11.23 oz - 19,5cm/7.68"
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 23cm/9.06"
- 1000cc/1 liter - 28cm/11.02"
- 3 different stoppers: truncated, flat disk, and ball, (from 1924 for 16.9 oz and 1 liter)
Flacon Chamade c1969
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Chamade only.
- 9,2ml/0.311 oz - 8,7cm/3.73" (changed to 7,5cm/2.95")
- 18ml/0.609 oz - 12cm/4.72" (changed to 15ml/0.5 oz in 1979)
- 34ml/1.15 oz - 15cm/5.91" (changed to 30ml/1 oz)
- 45ml/1.52 oz
- 64ml/2.16 oz - 18,4cm/7,24" (changed to 60ml/2 oz)
- 120ml/4.06 oz - 22cm/8.66"
Flacon Chant D'Aromes c1969
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Chant D'Aromes only.
- 15cc/15ml/0.5 oz - 10,3cm/4.06" (1962-1980). 15ml/0.5 oz updated edition in 1995
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 12,5cm/4.92" (1962-1988, changed in 1979)
- 58cc/58ml/1.96 oz - 15cm/5.91" (1962-1985)
- 120cc/120ml/4.06 oz - 19cm/7.48" (1962-1983, changed in 1980)
Flacon Chauve Souris (The Bat) c1924
Urn shaped flacon designed by Raymond Guerlain and produced by Baccarat to hold only the extrait of Shalimar. The bottle was also produced by Pochet et du Courval, Saint Gobain des Jonqueres and Cristal Romesnil (1920s). This bottle came in several sizes from miniature to a huge factice. A rare example had a clear stopper, instead of the usual blue wash. Baccarat flacon #597. Shalimar was renamed No.90 for a short time during a lawsuit concerning another company who was using the name Shalimar for their perfume. You may find a rare No. 90 bottle with a clear translucent stopper, made by Baccarat. The earliest bottles feature a small hole drilled into the base of the stopper, in which threads would go through to seal and make a tassel. This feature dates these bottles to 1927-1936 according to a 1927 advertisement I have in the photo gallery showing a bottle with the hole in the stopper.
- 20ml/0.676 oz - 10.5cm/4.13"
- 30ml/1 oz - 14.3cm/5.63
- 60ml/2 oz - 15.5cm/6.1"
- 80ml/2.7 oz - 16cm/6.3"
- 125ml/4.2 oz - 20cm/7.87"
- 250ml/8.4 oz - 22.5cm/8.86"
- 7.5 ml/1.25 oz - 7.4 cm/2.91" (1991)
- 10cc/10ml/0.388 oz - 8cm/3.15" (1954)
- 10ml/0.388 oz - 8.2cm/3.23" wide feet (Saint Gobain from 1981 to 1984)
- 15ml/0.5 oz - 9.3cm/3.66" wide feet (Saint Gobain from 1981 to 1986)
- 16.5cc/0.558 oz - 9.3cm/3.66" (1964, changed in 1978 15ml)
- 20cc/20ml/0.676 oz - 9.6cm/3.78" (1948)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 10cm/3.94" (1948, changed in 1979 30ml)
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 11.4cm/4.49"
- 60cc/60ml/2 oz - 15cm/5.91" (1962, changed in 1978 to 60ml)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 18cm/7.09"
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 20.8cm/8.19"
- Largest Parfum Bottle 50 oz - 15" tall (2001) - This size also used for factice.
Flacon de Cave (Wine Flacon) c1830-1938
Also known as Flacon Chinois. Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval and used for eaux de colognes, eaux de toilettes. May be gilded.
- 500cc/500ml/16 oz - 21cm/8.27" (1830-1938), engraved with Femme Drapeaux on reverse until 1911
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 16cm/6.3" (1911-1938)
Flacon de Guerre (War Time Edition) c1938-1945
Pochet et du Courval created this bottle to house extraits of Shalimar, Jicky, Guerlinade, Fleur de Feu, Mitsouko, L'Heure Bleue, Liu, Kadine, Verveine,Vague Souvenir, Champs Elysees, Geranium d'Espagne, Jasmiralda, Lilas, Bouquet de Faunes, Guerlilas, Gavotte, Coque d'Or, Imperial Russe, Fleur Qui Meurt, Gardenia, and others.
- 10cc/10ml/0.388 oz (1939-1945)
- 20cc/20ml/0.676 oz (1939-1945)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz (1938-1945)
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz (1938-1945)
- 82cc/82ml/2.77 oz - 10,3cm/4.06" (1938-1945)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz (1938-1945)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz (1938-1945)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz (1938-1945)
Flacon de Voyage (Travel Bottle) c1955-2002
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold various eaux de toilette, other glass companies may have also manufactured the bottles over the years.
- 50cc/50ml/1.7 oz - (1962)
- 100cc/100ml/3.4 oz - (1955)
- 200cc/200ml/6.7 oz - 12,8cm (1955)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - (1965)
- 1 liter/1000ml - (1967)
Flacon Eau de Guerlain c1974-1993
Flacon made only to hold Eau de Guerlain, bottle made by different manufacturers.
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 11.5cm/4.53"
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 16cm/6.3"
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 18cm/7.09"
- 1 liter/1000ml - 21cm/8.27"
Flacon Elixir c1909-1939
Created by Pochet et du Courval.
- 15cc/15ml/0.5 oz - 7cm/2.76" (1930-1939)
- 83cc/83ml/2.81 oz - 11cm/4.33" (1930-1939)
- 160cc/160ml/5.41 oz - 15.5cm/6.1" (1909-1939)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 19.5cm/7.68" (1910-1939)
Flacon Stiligoutte de Voyage c1934-1967?
Created by Pochet et du Courval. Used for Elixir de Guerlain Eau Dentifrice.
Flacon Empire c1902-1959
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of various perfumes such as Apres L'Ondee, and Sillage. Bottle, with gilded drapery, originally created to house the perfume Bon Vieux Temps.
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 7.5cm/2.95" (1902-1959)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 9cm/3.54" (1907-1959)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 11cm/4.33" (1907)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 13cm/5.12" (1907)
Flacon Encrier (Inkwell) c1936-1959
Flacon created by Baccarat to hold the extrait of Vega only. Other bottles were made by Wheaton Glass in Millville,NJ.
- 60ml/2 oz - 7.3cm/2.87" (reissued in 1997- limited to only 853 copies)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 7.6cm/2.99"
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 8.8cm/3.46"
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 9.5cm/3.74"
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 12cm/4.72" (stopped production in late 40s)
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 6.6cm/2.6" (for sale only in the USA)
Flacon Escargot (Snail) c1902-1962
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Mouchoir de Monsieur, Voilette de Madame and Ai Loe. Triangular shaped bottle; the stylization of the Guerlain name across its shoulder, becomes the body of a snail from which it takes its name.
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" (1902-1962)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 13cm/5.12" (1903-1959)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 15cm/5.91" (1904-1959)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 19cm/7.48" (1904-1959)
Flacon Fleuri (Flower) c1900-1962
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Voila Pourquoi J’amais Rosine, also used for other scents like Muguet.
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 10.4cm/4.09 smooth bottle
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 9.3cm/3.66" ribbed bottle (1904 - until the early 1960s)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - smooth bottle
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - ribbed bottle (until early 1960s)
Flacon Goutte (Teardrop) c1923-2001
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de toilette only. Bottle also made by different manufacturers over the years. Created as the standard Eau de Toilette presentation. The frosted glass stopper is made of two cockle shells; the label depicts two dolphins known as ‘Etiquette Dauphin’. “Toilet water in an oval bottle with atomizer top is new, $5.” ( 1939) “Guerlain now has a $5 size of toilet water in all the popular fragrances such as Shalimar, L’Heure Bleue, Vol de Nuit, Coque D’Or, Liu, Mitsouko, Sous Le Vent and Jicky.” (1940, Drug and Cosmetic Industry, Volume 46)
This bottle held over 30 different perfumes, some are:
- Apres L'Ondee
- A Travers Champs
- Bouquet de Faunes
- Cachet Jaune
- Candide Effluve
- Chamade
- Champs Elysees
- Chant D'Aromes
- Coque D'Or
- Cuir de Russie
- Dawamesk
- Esprit de Fleurs Nouvelles
- Fleur de Feu
- Fol Arome
- Gardenia
- Habit Rouge
- Jasmin
- Jicky
- L'Heure Bleue
- Lavande
- Lilas
- Liu
- Mitsouko
- Muguet
- Oeillet
- Parure
- Rue de la Paix
- Shalimar
- Sous Le Vent
- Une Rose
- Vague Souvenir
- Vega
- Vetiver
- Vol de Nuit
Different manufacturers:
- 50cc/50ml/1.7 oz - 8 to 9cm/3.15" to 3.54" (1973) replaced by 50ml - 8.9 cm (1983-1988)
- 100cc/100ml/3.4 oz - 12 to 13cm/4.72" to 5.12" (1938) replaced by 100ml - 12.5 cm (1983-1994)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 16 to 17cm/6.3" to 6.69" (1923) replaced by 250ml - 16.8 cm (1983-1995)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 20 to 21cm/7.87" to 8.27" (1923-2001)
- 1 liter - 25 to 26cm/9.84" to 10.24" (1923-1999)
- 1923-1973: ground glass
- 1973-1980: glass with plastic dowel
- 1980-1987: gilded glass with screw on plastic dowel
- 1987-2002: glass with plastic dowel
- 1923-1979: newsprint dolphin label
- 1980-1987: black and gold oval label
- 1987-2001: no label, silkscreened serigraphy on bottle instead
Flacon Gratte Ciel (Sky Scraper) c1948-1960
Created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Atuana and Fleur de Feu. Also made by Baccarat. This flacon was also known as Fleur de Feu, named after its perfume. The name comes from the idea of flowers rising from the flames – like a phoenix; Guerlain’s first perfume after the Second World War.
- 20cc/20ml/0.676 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" octagonal foot (May 1949)
- 28cc/28ml/0.947 oz - 12.8cm/5.08", octagonal foot (December 1948) (limited edition 1999 30ml/1 oz - 12cm)
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 13.8cm/5.43",octagonal foot (June 1949)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 18.2cm/7.17" square foot (February 1948)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 20.6cm/8.11" square foot (July 1949)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 25.1cm/9.88" square foot (July 1949)
Flacon Guerlilas c1927-1939
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Guerlilas and Guerlarose. Also produced by Pochet et du Courval.
- 40ml/1.35 oz - 5.4cm/2.13" (1930-1949)
- 80ml/2.7 oz - 7.4cm/2.91" (1930-1949)
- 125ml/4.2 oz - 8.3cm/3.27" (1930-1949)
- 250ml/8.4 oz - 11cm/4.33" (1930-1949)
Pochet et du Courval:
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 7.4cm/2.91"
Flacon Guerlinade c1998
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extrait of Guerlinade, a reissued limited edition perfume for the 170th anniversary of Guerlain.
- 50ml/1.7 oz - 11cm/4.33"
Flacon Lalique c1925-1963
Bottle created by Lalique to hold extraits of Bouquet de Faunes and Jasmin. The maiden’s face on the front of the bottle was taken from the entrance to the Guerlain boutique at 68 Avenue Champs-Elysées, Paris, France.
- 80ml/2.7 oz - 9.7cm/3.82" (1925-1963)
- 125ml/4.2 oz - 11cm/4.33" (1925-1958)
- 250ml/8.4 oz - 13.5cm/5,.31" (1925-1960)
- 1925-1940: 1st version with waves just below neck
- 1940-1963: 2nd flat version without waves, marked "Made in France" on the foot
Flacon Lanterne (Lantern) c1935-1943
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Jicky, Rue de la Paix, Cuir de Russie, Jasmine, Sous le Vent, and others. The bottle was reissued in 1999 to hold a limited edition extrait of Guet Apens.
- 10cc/10ml/0.338 oz - 5.4cm/2.13" (size reserved for export)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 7.3cm/2.87" (size reserved for export)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 9.7cm/3.82" (1935-1943)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" (reissued in 1999 125ml/4.2 oz - 12cm/4.72" for Guet Apens)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 14cm/5.51" (1935-1943)
Flacon Louis XVI c1902-2002
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold extraits of Apres L'Ondee, Muguet, Mouchoir de Monsieur, Violette a deux Sous, Aux Bon Vieux Temps, Sillage, Avril en Fleurs, Ai Loe and others. Flacon has also been used for special limited editions such as Chamade. The original box is white, cylindrically shaped and has Guerlain Paris in gold leaf.
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 9cm/3.54" (1924) amended 30ml/1 oz (1983-2002)
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 9cm/3.54" (1950-1959)
- 75cc/75ml/2.5 oz - 11.3cm/4.45" (1971)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 11.3cm/4.45" (1902-1962)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 12.8cm/5.04" (1903-1965)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 16.4cm/6.46" (1904-1959)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 21.5cm/8.46" (1907-1959)
- 1 liter/1000ml- 25.5cm/10.04" (1920-1959)
Flacon L'Urne Antique c1830
1830 Guerlain perfume bottle and stopper, used for various scents, clear glass, molded address label. Bottle stands 4" tall.Flacon Lyre c1921-1959
Flacon created by Baccarat to house Candide Effluve, A Travers Champs and Guerlinade. Also produced by Pochet et du Courval in a very small quantity for export to the USA. Baccarat flacon #475.
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 12.9cm/5.08" (1921-1959)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 14.7cm/5.79" (1921-1959)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 18.7cm/7.36" (1921-1959)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 23.5cm/9.25" (1921-1952)
- 1 liter/1000ml - 29cm/11.42" (1921-1952)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz (1924) produced very limited quantities to the USA
Flacon Mauresque (Moorish) c1910 - ?
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval for various perfumes. Beautifully enameled decoration. Based on a 17th century Persian or Moorish perfume flacon in the Guerlain family collection. This flacon was also used for other Guerlain perfumes. Specifically tailored for custom perfume. Guests can choose perfume bottle shape, stopper shape, decoration and color of flowers.
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 22.5cm/8.86"
Flacon Montre (Watch) c1936 - 1999
Flacon created by Pochet et du Courval to hold eaux de cologne, first used with Cachet Jaune in 1936, also held various other scents such as Shalimar, Mitsouko, Jicky, Fol Arome, Chamade, Chant D'Aromes, Liu, L'Heure Bleue, Vol de Nuit, Sous Le Vent, Chypre 53, Parure and more. A 1950 article reads "Guerlain recommends spraying a room with their famous Shalimar eau de cologne. This is a lighter form of their famous perfume. Because it is lighter, it is less expensive and can be used more lavishly."
- 50cc/50ml/1.7 oz - 11cm/4.33" (1936-1950)
- 64cc/64ml/2.16 oz - 12.5cm/4.92" (1972-1979) changed 60ml
- 100cc/100ml/3.4 oz - 14.6cm/5.75" (1936-1999)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 16cm/6.3" (1960-1972)
- 200cc/200ml/6.7 oz - 18.5cm/7.28" (1936-1999)
- 400cc/400ml/13.5 oz -9.5" (1936-1972)
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 24.3cm/9.57" (1936)
- 1 liter/1000ml - 30cm/11.81" (1936)
- 2 liter/2000ml - 37.5cm/14.75" (1970)
- 3 liter/3000ml - 42cm/16.54" (1979)
- 1936-1972: ground glass stopper
- 1972-1979: gold screw-cap stopper
- 1979-1999: plastic stopper
- Red for Shalimar
- Yellow for Cachet Jaune
- Sky Blue for L'Heure Bleue
- Purple for Ode
- Pink for Fleur de Feu
- Navy Blue Vol de Nuit
- Orange for Chant D'Aromes
- Emerald Green for Mitsouko
- Burgundy for Jicky
- Light Aqua for Chamade
- Turquoise for Parure
- Sage Green for Chypre 53
- Black for Liu
- Between 1972-1979 Shalimar, when in a Montre with a gold cap, had a Navy Blue center.
Flacon Nahema c1980-1992
Bottle created by Pochet et du Courval to hold Nahema..
- 7.5ml/0.25 oz - 8cm (1981-1992)
- 15ml /0.5 oz- 10.4 cm (1980-1991)
- 30ml/1 oz - 13.4 cm (1979-1988)
- 60ml/2 oz - 16.2 cm (1979-1985)
- 120ml/4.06 oz - 20.2 cm (1979-1984)
Flacon Noeud Papillon (Butterfly Knot) c1937-1956
Baccarat created this bottle to contain the extraits of Dawamesk, Kriss, Champs Elysees and Coque d'Or. The bottle was available in cobalt blue glass, and cobalt with a gilded overlay. Bottles were also made by Pochet et du Courval. the stoppers were originally smooth but were later altered to facilitate opening. Baccarat flacon #770.
Baccarat (smooth or faceted stoppers):
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 5.5cm/2.17"
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 6.5cm/2.56
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 7.5cm/2.95"
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 8.5cm/3.35"
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 10.5cm/4.13"
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 5.5cm.2.17"
- 82cc/82ml/2.77 oz - 6.6cm/2.6"
Flacon Opaline c1951 - ?
Created by the Cristal et Bronze company and designed by R. Noirot, this flacon is decorated with enameled butterflies, it is meant to resemble the mid 19th century French opaline cologne bottles so popular in the Victorian era. The bottle held various standard Guerlain perfumes such as L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Jicky, Shalimar and it was also seen without any specific perfume name in the cartouche on the front of the bottle.
- 11.5cm/4.53"
- 15.5cm/6.1"
- 18.5cm/7.28"
Flacon de Sac (Purse Bottle) /Parapluie Flacon (Umbrella Bottle) c1952-1978
A purse vial made by various glass manufacturers: Pochet et du Courval, Brosse and Saint Gobains Desjonqueres, (1952-1978). The first presentations were encased in boxes which coordinated with the perfume's name and style. Later presentations omit the box and the flacon is housed inside of a leather case.
Bottle held extraits of Shalimar, Ode, L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Jasmin, Vega, Jicky, Sous le Vent, Chant D'Aromes, Chamade, Vol de Nuit, Liu and possibly more:
- 7cc/7ml/0.237 oz - 7.8cm/3.07"
Flacon Parure c1975-1987
Bottle created by various glasshouses to hold the feminine fragrance Parure.
- 7.5ml/0.25 oz - 9cm/3.54" (1975-1981)
- 15ml/0.5 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" (1975-1981)
- 15ml/0.5 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" with all-glass foot(1979)
- 30ml/1 oz - 14.3cm/5.63" (1975-1987)
- 60ml/2 oz - 17cm/6.69" (1975-1985)
- 120cc/120ml/4.06 oz - 20.7cm/8.15" (1975-1980)
Flacon Persane (Persian) c1900
Extremely rare and exceptional bottle, flask used for toilet water. Persane flacon, created by Pochet et du Courval in 1910. Based on a 17th century Persian perfume flacon in the Guerlain family collection. This flacon was also used for other Guerlain perfumes.Rumen cutting, long ringed neck. Flat cut stopper. On one side signed "HP" on the other side "Depose" and under the base "Guerlain Paris." Mold No. 12088. H: 21 cm Period 1900 Rue de Rivoli and Rue de la Paix.
Flacon Petit Beurre (Little Butter Pat) c1916 - ?
Limited edition flacon created by Baccarat and Pochet et du Courval. Housed various Guerlain fragrances such as L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Rue de la Paix, Candide Effluve, A Travers Champs, Fol Arome, Quand Vient L'Ete , Kadine, Guerlinade, Une Rose, Pour Troubler, Vague Souvenir and Champs Elysees.
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 7.7cm/3.03" (limited edition of only 500 in 1916)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - (limited edition of only 500 in 1916)
Pochet et du Courval:
Flacon Plat (Flat) c1890
Created by Pochet et du Courval. Housed various Guerlain fragrances such as Tsao Ko, Belle France, Dix Petales de Roses, Cyprisine, Le Jardin de Mon Cure, Gavotte, Paris Nouveau, Violette a Deux Sous, Bouquet Mademoiselle, Grande Marechale, Young Princess, and Rodomel.
Flacon (Djedi) c1926-1959
Flacon created by Baccarat to house the extrait of Djedi only. Baccarat flacon #598. Created by George Chevalier, a development of the ‘Petit Beurre’ presentation.
Flacon Rayonnant (Radiance) c1933-1983
Baccarat created this flacon to hold Vol de Nuit, it was also used for Sous le Vent. Other bottles were made by Pochet et du Courval. The bottles range from a smoky green to clear. The bottles were often made in limited editions over the years. Stylized to look like the movement of an airplane propeller, a nod to the novelist/aviator Antoine de Saint- Exupery and his book Night Flight (Vol de Nuit)
Flacon Republique Etui Carre (Bottle for the Square Box) c1840 - ?
Bottle made by Pochet et du Courval. The bottle held various colognes, eaux de toilette and distilled waters, such as Eau de Verveine, Eau de Cologne Hegemonienne, Eau de Rose Distillee, Eau de Cologne Imperiale, Eau de Cologne Russe, Neva, Bouquet Imperial, Do Brazil, Bouquet de l'Imperatrice Eugenie and Parfum Imperial and others.
Flacon Tabatiere (Snuff) c1927-1972
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Liu. The bottle was molded after a Chinese snuff bottle and was made only in black crystal. Bottle also made by Pochet et du Courval over the years.
Flacon Tonnelet (Keg) c1934-1950
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Sous le Vent, bottles were also made by Pochet et du Courval over the years.
Flacon Tortue (Turtle) c1914-1959, c1995
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Le Parfum des Champs Elysees, other bottles made by Pochet et du Courval. Created to celebrate the opening of the Guerlain boutique at 68, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, France
Travel Flacon c1955-1980
A simple splash bottle made in 1955 for Ode Eau de Cologne, subsequently containing all Eau de Colognes. The bottle was made to fit into a train case, hence its name. It was used for Vetiver in 1959 (at that time, the Vetiver label was red), and later for Habit Rouge and Mouchoir de Monsieur as well, with a black rim around the lid instead of the original feminine white one. Unknown designer.
Vaporisateur Pour la Coiffeuse (Spray for the Hairdresser) c1937 - 1965
Round, squat shaped bottle originally used for demonstration to be used by a hairdresser or beauty advisor, it was created to hold perfumes, brilliantine or stilboide fluid to spray onto the hair.
Vaporisateur de Voyage (Travel Spray) c1930 - ?
Cylindrical shaped crystal travel spray bottle to hold various perfumes, used during travel, manufactured by Baccarat.Bottle was housed in small leather case offered in four different colors: black, red, green and blue.
Natural Spray Colognes c1964-1977
These bottles were meant to hold eau de colognes of Guerlain's standard perfumes: Shalimar, L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Vol de Nuit, Chamade, Liu and Chant D'Aromes. The bottles were probably made by either SGD or Pochet et du Courval. They are ribbed and look a little like the parapluie bottles, but have a black spray mechanism at the top, the name of the perfume is usually written in gold on a black band just below the cap, there is also a label on the base of the bottle. The bottle has a gold tone cap over the spray nozzle, it had a black plastic disk imprinted with a G for Guerlain on the top, this bottle was packaged in the same black and white boxes as the disk bottles.
Talcum "Lyre" Poudreur Flacons c1947-1980s
Beautiful frosted glass talcum powder bottles were in the shape of a lyre or guitar. they held six scents: Shalimar, Mitsouko, Vol de Nuit, Liu, Fleur de Feu and L'Heure Bleue. Talcum powder in the frosted bottle was introduced in 1947, it was being put up in a white plastic canister in the late 1960s, then it was sold in a turquoise canister in the 1980s.
Lyre Bath Oil Flacons c1952 - ?
Bath oils were introduced in 1952. These lyre shaped glass flacons held six scents: Shalimar, Mitsouko, Liu, Fleur de Feu, L'Heure Bleue and Vol de Nuit.
Film Spray c1966 - 1975
Film Spray was a pink, light moisturizing body lotion in spray form perfumed in five standard Guerlain scents: Shalimar, L'Heure Bleue, Fleur de Feu, Mitsouko and Chant D'Aromes.
Capillaque Hair Spray c1961 - 1971
Capillaque was the name of scented hair sprays/brilliantine sprays that matched the various standard Guerlain perfumes: Shalimar, Vol de Nuit, Mitsouko, L'Heure Bleue, Chant D'Aromes and Habit Rouge. A trademark was filed in 1961 for the hair spray and the trademark expired in 1988, but I am pretty sure this was discontinued by around 1971.
Parfum de Toilettes c1987 - 1990
The Parfum de Toilette range was created around 1986 or 1987, and included Jicky, Liu, L'heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Nahema, Chamade, and Shalimar. According to Guerlain, Parfum de Toilette is their version of an Eau de Parfum - it's stronger than an eau de toilette and weaker than parfum extrait. Parfum de Toilette is no longer made - it has been replaced by Eau de Parfum, so whatever you find is vintage and definitely worth a sniff!
Eau de Parfum c1990 - Present
Guerlain added its first Eau de Parfum in 1990 with Samsara and the men's fragrance Heritage. The Eau de Parfums replaced the Parfum de Toilettes for nearly all of Guerlain's scents for men and women.
Le Sucrier de Madame c1980 - 2008?
Le Sucrier de Madame (Madam's Sugar Shaker/Muffineer) was made for express usage in the Guerlain boutiques to demonstrate the eau de toilettes. Sometimes they were often given as "rewards" to those who spent an exorbitant amount of money in the French boutiques. The cases are of gilded brass and the domed tops are intricately pierced in a filigree pattern featuring the Guerlain G, hearkening back to the ornate muffineers of the 19th century. The bottle was designed by jeweler Robert Gossen. Each bottle holds 200ml/6.7 oz of eau de toilette. I have seen these marked Chamade, Shalimar, Parure, Nahema, Chant D'Aromes, Chamade, Apres l'Ondee, Mitsouko, L'Heure Bleue, Vol de Nuit, Samsara and Jicky. Others are not marked with a name. Each case held a bottle that when emptied, a new refill could be recharged into the case. In 2008, a Guerlain SA told a member of that the manufacturer of the Sucrier flacons had just passed away and the flacons would be discontinued as he was the sole manufacturer. Whether not this is true, please let me know.
Habit de Fete c1965 - Present
Guerlain released the Habit de Fete flacon cases in several different styles. The first style was introduced in 1965, known as the Delft atomizer, it was for various standard Guerlain eau de colognes and the thin metal cases were decorated with different enameled motifs, these bottles held 96ml.
The next style replaced the Delft atomizers and was rectangular, goldtone and had a pierced basketweave or lattice design, it was introduced in 1982 and used up until 1989, these thin metal cases held refills for eau de toilettes and in 1987, the parfum de toilettes.
Although there are several styles of these refillable containers, they all fit the same size and shape of refills:

In the mid 1980s, Guerlain had the idea to create the Les Meteorites Collection.The collection was made up of gilded metal and colorful cloisonne enameled containers that could be refilled. "The Meteorites stand for GUERLAIN's exclusive style".
- 20ml/0.676 oz - 5.5cm/2.17" (1929)
Flacon Plat (Flat) c1890
Created by Pochet et du Courval. Housed various Guerlain fragrances such as Tsao Ko, Belle France, Dix Petales de Roses, Cyprisine, Le Jardin de Mon Cure, Gavotte, Paris Nouveau, Violette a Deux Sous, Bouquet Mademoiselle, Grande Marechale, Young Princess, and Rodomel.
Flacon (Djedi) c1926-1959
Flacon created by Baccarat to house the extrait of Djedi only. Baccarat flacon #598. Created by George Chevalier, a development of the ‘Petit Beurre’ presentation.
- 60ml/2 oz - 8.5cm/3.35" (limited reissue in 1996)
- 125ml/4.2 oz - 9.5cm/3.74"
Flacon Rayonnant (Radiance) c1933-1983
Baccarat created this flacon to hold Vol de Nuit, it was also used for Sous le Vent. Other bottles were made by Pochet et du Courval. The bottles range from a smoky green to clear. The bottles were often made in limited editions over the years. Stylized to look like the movement of an airplane propeller, a nod to the novelist/aviator Antoine de Saint- Exupery and his book Night Flight (Vol de Nuit)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - (limited edition of only 8000 single copies)
- 10cc/10ml/0.388 oz - 5.3cm/2.09 (1954) changed to 7.5ml/0.25 oz (1962-1981)
- 20cc/20ml/0.676 oz - 6.6cm/2.6" (1955) changed to 15ml/0.5 oz (1962-1980)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 7.2cm/2.83" (1934)
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz (1937-1950)
- 60cc/60ml/2 oz- 8.6cm/3.39" (thickness 2.7cm/1.06", width 6.7cm/2.64") (1962) changed to 55ml/1.86 oz - 8.5cm/3.35" (1977-1983)
- 82cc/82ml/2.77 oz - 8.5cm/3.35" (thickness 3.1cm/1.22", width 6.9cm/2.72") (1932-1963)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 9.5cm/3.74" (1933) changed to 125ml/125ml/4.2 oz - 9.8/3.86"cm (1979-1984)
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 11.8cm/4.65" (1933)
Flacon Republique Etui Carre (Bottle for the Square Box) c1840 - ?
Bottle made by Pochet et du Courval. The bottle held various colognes, eaux de toilette and distilled waters, such as Eau de Verveine, Eau de Cologne Hegemonienne, Eau de Rose Distillee, Eau de Cologne Imperiale, Eau de Cologne Russe, Neva, Bouquet Imperial, Do Brazil, Bouquet de l'Imperatrice Eugenie and Parfum Imperial and others.
- 61cc/61ml/2 oz - 9cm/3.54" (vers 1870)
- 122cc/122ml/4 oz - 11.5cm/4.53" (1840)
- 183cc/183ml/6 oz - 13.5cm/5.31" (1840 changed to 166cc/166ml/5.61 oz - 15.5cm/6.1")
- 244cc/244ml/8 oz - 17.5cm/6.89" (1840 changed to 332cc/332ml/11.23 oz - 19.5cm/7.68")
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 17.5cm/6.89"
Flacon Tabatiere (Snuff) c1927-1972
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Liu. The bottle was molded after a Chinese snuff bottle and was made only in black crystal. Bottle also made by Pochet et du Courval over the years.
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 7.8cm/3.08" - (limited edition of only 6000 single copies, often unsigned)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 5.9cm/2.32" (1934, export version)
- 40cc/40ml/1.35 oz - 6.4cm/2.52" (1937)
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 7.8cm/3.07" - changed to 75ml/2.5 oz limited edition of 3000 copies (1994)*
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 9cm/3.54"
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 11cm/4.33"
*Please note that in 1994, a limited edition of Liu was released in this bottle, this size was changed from 80ml/2.7 oz to 75ml/2.5 oz, only 3000 copies were made.
Flacon Tonnelet (Keg) c1934-1950
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Sous le Vent, bottles were also made by Pochet et du Courval over the years.
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 8.6cm/3.39" (limited edition of only 5000 in 1937)
- 128cc/128ml/4.33 oz - 12.5cm/4.92" (limited edition of only 3000 copies in 1937)
- 250cc /250ml/8.4 oz- (limited edition of only 3000 copies in 1937)
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 6.8cm/2.68"
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz- 8.6cm/3.39"
- 128cc/128ml/4.33 oz - 12.5cm/4.92"
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz
Flacon Tortue (Turtle) c1914-1959, c1995
Bottle created by Baccarat to hold extraits of Le Parfum des Champs Elysees, other bottles made by Pochet et du Courval. Created to celebrate the opening of the Guerlain boutique at 68, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, France
- 80cc/80ml/2.7 oz - 11cm/4.33" (changed to 60ml - 10.2cm/4.02" in 1995 as a limited edition)
- 125cc/125ml/4.2 oz - 12.5cm/4.92"
- 250cc/250ml/8.4 oz - 15.5cm/6.1"
- 500cc/500ml/16.9 oz - 19.5cm/7.68"
- 1 liter/1000ml - 24.5cm/9.65"
- Originally, the legs were frosted glass
- 30cc/30ml/1 oz - 8.5cm/3.35"
Travel Flacon c1955-1980
A simple splash bottle made in 1955 for Ode Eau de Cologne, subsequently containing all Eau de Colognes. The bottle was made to fit into a train case, hence its name. It was used for Vetiver in 1959 (at that time, the Vetiver label was red), and later for Habit Rouge and Mouchoir de Monsieur as well, with a black rim around the lid instead of the original feminine white one. Unknown designer.
Vaporisateur Pour la Coiffeuse (Spray for the Hairdresser) c1937 - 1965
Round, squat shaped bottle originally used for demonstration to be used by a hairdresser or beauty advisor, it was created to hold perfumes, brilliantine or stilboide fluid to spray onto the hair.
- Small size - 4.8cm/1.89"
- Large size - 6.5cm/2.56"
Vaporisateur de Voyage (Travel Spray) c1930 - ?
Cylindrical shaped crystal travel spray bottle to hold various perfumes, used during travel, manufactured by Baccarat.Bottle was housed in small leather case offered in four different colors: black, red, green and blue.
- 125cc /125ml/4.2 oz- 8.9cm/3.5" (without bulb)
These bottles were meant to hold eau de colognes of Guerlain's standard perfumes: Shalimar, L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Vol de Nuit, Chamade, Liu and Chant D'Aromes. The bottles were probably made by either SGD or Pochet et du Courval. They are ribbed and look a little like the parapluie bottles, but have a black spray mechanism at the top, the name of the perfume is usually written in gold on a black band just below the cap, there is also a label on the base of the bottle. The bottle has a gold tone cap over the spray nozzle, it had a black plastic disk imprinted with a G for Guerlain on the top, this bottle was packaged in the same black and white boxes as the disk bottles.
Talcum "Lyre" Poudreur Flacons c1947-1980s
Beautiful frosted glass talcum powder bottles were in the shape of a lyre or guitar. they held six scents: Shalimar, Mitsouko, Vol de Nuit, Liu, Fleur de Feu and L'Heure Bleue. Talcum powder in the frosted bottle was introduced in 1947, it was being put up in a white plastic canister in the late 1960s, then it was sold in a turquoise canister in the 1980s.
Lyre Bath Oil Flacons c1952 - ?
Bath oils were introduced in 1952. These lyre shaped glass flacons held six scents: Shalimar, Mitsouko, Liu, Fleur de Feu, L'Heure Bleue and Vol de Nuit.
Film Spray c1966 - 1975
Film Spray was a pink, light moisturizing body lotion in spray form perfumed in five standard Guerlain scents: Shalimar, L'Heure Bleue, Fleur de Feu, Mitsouko and Chant D'Aromes.
Capillaque Hair Spray c1961 - 1971
Capillaque was the name of scented hair sprays/brilliantine sprays that matched the various standard Guerlain perfumes: Shalimar, Vol de Nuit, Mitsouko, L'Heure Bleue, Chant D'Aromes and Habit Rouge. A trademark was filed in 1961 for the hair spray and the trademark expired in 1988, but I am pretty sure this was discontinued by around 1971.
Parfum de Toilettes c1987 - 1990
The Parfum de Toilette range was created around 1986 or 1987, and included Jicky, Liu, L'heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Nahema, Chamade, and Shalimar. According to Guerlain, Parfum de Toilette is their version of an Eau de Parfum - it's stronger than an eau de toilette and weaker than parfum extrait. Parfum de Toilette is no longer made - it has been replaced by Eau de Parfum, so whatever you find is vintage and definitely worth a sniff!
Eau de Parfum c1990 - Present
Guerlain added its first Eau de Parfum in 1990 with Samsara and the men's fragrance Heritage. The Eau de Parfums replaced the Parfum de Toilettes for nearly all of Guerlain's scents for men and women.
- Eau de Parfum Spray 3.4fl oz
- Eau de Parfum Spray 2.5fl oz
- Eau de Parfum Spray 1.7fl oz
- Eau de Parfum Spray 1fl oz
- Eau de Parfum mini Parfum/Extrait 0.25fl oz
Le Sucrier de Madame c1980 - 2008?
Le Sucrier de Madame (Madam's Sugar Shaker/Muffineer) was made for express usage in the Guerlain boutiques to demonstrate the eau de toilettes. Sometimes they were often given as "rewards" to those who spent an exorbitant amount of money in the French boutiques. The cases are of gilded brass and the domed tops are intricately pierced in a filigree pattern featuring the Guerlain G, hearkening back to the ornate muffineers of the 19th century. The bottle was designed by jeweler Robert Gossen. Each bottle holds 200ml/6.7 oz of eau de toilette. I have seen these marked Chamade, Shalimar, Parure, Nahema, Chant D'Aromes, Chamade, Apres l'Ondee, Mitsouko, L'Heure Bleue, Vol de Nuit, Samsara and Jicky. Others are not marked with a name. Each case held a bottle that when emptied, a new refill could be recharged into the case. In 2008, a Guerlain SA told a member of that the manufacturer of the Sucrier flacons had just passed away and the flacons would be discontinued as he was the sole manufacturer. Whether not this is true, please let me know.
Habit de Fete c1965 - Present
Guerlain released the Habit de Fete flacon cases in several different styles. The first style was introduced in 1965, known as the Delft atomizer, it was for various standard Guerlain eau de colognes and the thin metal cases were decorated with different enameled motifs, these bottles held 96ml.
The next style replaced the Delft atomizers and was rectangular, goldtone and had a pierced basketweave or lattice design, it was introduced in 1982 and used up until 1989, these thin metal cases held refills for eau de toilettes and in 1987, the parfum de toilettes.
Although there are several styles of these refillable containers, they all fit the same size and shape of refills:
- 50ml/1.7 oz Eau de Parfum
- 93ml/3.14 oz Eau de toilette
- 8ml/0.25 oz parfum extrait
- Habit De Fete Eau de Parfum Spray Refill 1.69fl oz
- Habit De Fete Eau de Toilette Spray Refill 3.1fl oz
- Habit De Fete Perfume Spray Refill 0.27fl oz
Les Meteorites
In the mid 1980s, Guerlain had the idea to create the Les Meteorites Collection.The collection was made up of gilded metal and colorful cloisonne enameled containers that could be refilled. "The Meteorites stand for GUERLAIN's exclusive style".
Les Meteorites refillable natural spray limited edition from Guerlain Paris-15 ml Parfum de Toilette . The shape of the vaporizer is reminiscent of the forebearer's fob watch. Both sides are covered with the intricate, multi colored, rosette-shaped "cloisonne" enamel. The Les Meteorites Collection included small round 15ml purse spray flacons which could be recharged by inserting a new inner flacon of perfume. The scents available at the time were Shalimar, L'Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Jicky, Chamade and Chant D'Aromes.
The products in the METEORITES line have established a prestigious reputation thanks to their unique design linking tradition and innovation.Ten lipsticks, a compact mirror and three face powder shades helped to round out the collection. In 2000, Guerlain released Les Meteorites, a powdery violet and iris based perfume.
The products in the METEORITES line have established a prestigious reputation thanks to their unique design linking tradition and innovation.Ten lipsticks, a compact mirror and three face powder shades helped to round out the collection. In 2000, Guerlain released Les Meteorites, a powdery violet and iris based perfume.
Dusting Powder 1955-Present
Guerlain's Dusting Powder was introduced around 1955 housed in a faux tortoiseshell plastic powder box, then inside of a white plastic powder box in the 1960s and 1970s, then in a turquoise plastic powder box in the 1983, then a plastic powder box in a coordinating color of the fragrance it contained, starting in the late 1990s, and is still being sold today.
Creme Hydratante c1959-1967?
Guerlain's Creme Hydratante introduced in 1959, a lanolin based moisturizer, lightly scented and meant to be lavished all over the body, particularly on arms and legs. Still sold around 1967.
Body Shampoo c1976- Present
Guerlain's Body Shampoo was released in 1976, it came in three scents at that time, starting with Shalimar.
Les Voluptes du Bain c1983- 1999
Guerlain released their fragrances ancillary products in turquoise plastic packaging starting in 1983, this line was known as Les Voluptes du Bain de Guerlain and sold til 1999, when the products were given a makeover with a more sensual shape. Three new products were offered, Perfumed Bath Salts, Sensual Milky Veil, and Voluptuous Foaming Bath.
Guerlain's Dusting Powder was introduced around 1955 housed in a faux tortoiseshell plastic powder box, then inside of a white plastic powder box in the 1960s and 1970s, then in a turquoise plastic powder box in the 1983, then a plastic powder box in a coordinating color of the fragrance it contained, starting in the late 1990s, and is still being sold today.
Guerlain's Creme Hydratante introduced in 1959, a lanolin based moisturizer, lightly scented and meant to be lavished all over the body, particularly on arms and legs. Still sold around 1967.
Body Shampoo c1976- Present
Guerlain's Body Shampoo was released in 1976, it came in three scents at that time, starting with Shalimar.
Les Voluptes du Bain c1983- 1999
Guerlain released their fragrances ancillary products in turquoise plastic packaging starting in 1983, this line was known as Les Voluptes du Bain de Guerlain and sold til 1999, when the products were given a makeover with a more sensual shape. Three new products were offered, Perfumed Bath Salts, Sensual Milky Veil, and Voluptuous Foaming Bath.
These products were made with Guerlain's most popular fragrances, including Shalimar, Mitsouko, Samsara, Jicky, L'Instant, Champs-Elysee, Insolence, My Insolence, Idylle, Guerlain Homme, Coriolan, Vetiver, Habit Rouge, Jardins de Bagatelle, Le Petite Robe Noir, Shalimar Parfum Initial, Aqua Allegoria etc:
- Sensual Milky Veil (Body Lotion) 6.8fl oz
- Moisturising Body Lotion Bottle 6.8fl oz
- Silky Moisturising Body Mist Spray 3.4fl oz
- Body Cream 7fl oz
- Sensual Body Oil 3.3fl oz
- Perfumed Dusting Powder 4.4oz
- Bath Salts 17.6oz
- Ritual Bath Gel 6.8fl oz
- Shower Gel Bottle 6.8fl oz
- Voluptuous Foaming Bath Bottle 6.8fl oz
- Deodorant Spray 3.4fl oz
- Hair Gel 0.25fl oz
- Vitality Sparkling Shower 6.8 fl oz
- Bain Satin 6.7 fl oz
- Velvet Body Milk 6.7 fl oz
- Delicate Body Lotion 6.7 fl oz
- Shimmering Body Lotion 6.8 fl oz
- Hair & Body Wash 5 fl oz
- Hydra-Sensual Milky Oil 190 ml
- Sparkling Shower Gel 6.8 fl oz
- Perfumed Body Oil 3.4 fl oz
- Pearly Body Lotion 3.4 fl oz
- Moisturizing Fresh Veil (Body Lotion) 6.8 fl oz
- Satin Shower Delight 6.8 fl oz
- Perfumed Shimmer Powder
- Sensational Body Lotion 200ml
- Softening Body Exfoliator 200ml
Nice share..
ReplyDeleteI am using Parure Guerlain for women. The fragrance features plum, bergamot, green notes; lily of the valley, and I liked it very much.. This reminded me of a spring summer garden after a rain storm , wish they still made it.
Once (30 years ago) I bought a vintage Guerlain wicker bottle with Eau de Toilette ( I think it was called so, I lost the paper label) in an antique shop in Vienna. I loved it, and never found it again. Do you know this Eau de Toilette or Guerlain, from when was it? Greeting!
ReplyDeleteI have 2 vintage Jicky Eau De Toilettes with Lalique stoppers, only 1/2 used, large 500ml bottle & 250ml, can you give me an idea of what they are worth & if they are rare & where I could sell them, thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi, it sounds like you have the old Eau de Toilette flacons with the frosted glass stoppers, known as the Goutte Flacons. These were not made by Lalique. You can look at the Flacon List to see these and get an idea of their age. Also, at the top of the web page, I have an appraisal service available if you need valuations. Thanks,
ReplyDeleteHello. I have an 8oz Clock flacon with the glass stopper. The center circle is filled in with (I'm assuming) fake pearls and diamonds mostly. There are 4 ruby like gems in the very center setting of the circle holding a larger diamond. Would you know what perfume it is and this flacon's worth (empty)?
ReplyDeleteHi, this was someone's craft project or idea of upcycling. I often find craft projects like this with different perfume bottles. As it is, there is no value, I am sorry to say. You cn add some flowers to make it a cute bud vase!
DeleteLot of good accurate information. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThere is also an 80 ml. Djedi, which measures 9 cm. or 3.5". Thank you. Alexandra
ReplyDeleteNice list! I am only missing the round flacons of Terracotta Eau de Toilette and Meteorites Eau de Toilette. Maybe its a good idea to add these bottle to complete this.
ReplyDeleteKeep on the good work!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. A wealth of information Guerlain.
I’m curious about a miniature Guerlain Shalimar I’ve has for a time. The classic flacon chauve souris but in blue with a clear stopper. The approximate height of the flacon is 4”. On the bottom of foot appears: ‘GUERLAIN BOTTLE MADE IN FRANCE.’ I have searched the internet in vain for this flacon colour but only seem to find clear with a blue stopper. I do encounter the contemporary versions of blue flacons but the stoppers are a totally different style. I did manage to locate an larger version of my flacon, the accompanying text cites that this is an EDT concentration? Is there anyone that can shed light on my mystery blue flacon? It’s volume in fl. oz./ml.? Is this uncommon/rare? Is the empty flacon valuable?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in adavance.
John D.
hi, can you please send me photos of your bottle at
DeleteAny updates on this? I have come across a similar bottle with a silver Shalimar label and would like to know if it’s authentic. It comes in a purple Marly box if it helps.
DeleteBeautiful perfume bottles! I never had a mind to collect something, just use and dispose. What a shame!
ReplyDeleteThe "flacon brun fumé" also held the (now extremely rare) fragrance Loin de Tout from 1933.
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ReplyDeleteIn the early 90’s I was foolish enough to not buy Shalimar in a beautiful cobalt blue bottle in an elegant silver(?)gold filigree outer sleeve. It was a cylindrical bottle in the 6”-8” height range. I’d be happy to just see a photo of it, but have been searching for it ever since, and kicking myself along the way!
ReplyDeleteAnd I can’t believe I didn’t preserve my white and blue enameled spray Shalimar after hanging on to it empty for years. So beautiful!
This would have been a gold cylinder
DeleteWonderful photos. What I couldn't find was the rectangular flatter version of those Les Meterorites brass coloured holders/bottles, that my Mitsouko used to come in. I found a photo on one site but there is little mention of it anywhere on the web. It was my first holiday to Jersey (and their duty free department stores!) and my first bottle of Mistouko, which I still wear.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have a cobalt blue bottle with gold decoration & Guerlain written in gold on the front at the bottom, it isn’t one that I’ve seen before. Looks to be Victorian. Would love some info on it if anyone can help?