Hello and welcome! Please understand that this website is not affiliated with Guerlain in any way, it is only a reference site for collectors and those who have enjoyed the classic fragrances of days gone by. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. The main objective of this website is to chronicle the 200+ year old history of the Guerlain fragrances and showcase the bottles and advertising used throughout the years. Let this site be your source for information on antique and vintage Guerlain perfumes. Another goal of this website is to show the present owners of the Guerlain company how much we miss many of the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they see that there is enough interest and demand, they will bring back these fragrances! I invite you to leave a comment below (for example: of why you liked the fragrance, describe the scent, time period or age you wore it, who gave it to you or on what occasion, what it smelled like to you, how it made you feel, any specific memories, what it reminded you of, maybe a relative wore it, or you remembered seeing the bottle on their vanity table), who knows, perhaps someone from the current Guerlain brand might see it. If you have any questions, please send all images of your bottle and pertinent information directly to me at cleopatrasboudoir@gmail.com. I will try to assist you the best I can.

Looking to Buy Vintage Fragrances?

Guerlain Batch Codes

Information and photos From Basenotes member Andre Moreau and Raiders of the Lost Scent. I have edited the photos (lightened them) and drawn a red circle around the batch codes that are found on the old white and black zig zag boxes so you can see what they look like and how to find them. Sometimes the batch codes will start with the word "Lot".

Please do not confuse this with the stock or catalog/reference numbers found on boxes, these are prefaced with "No.", you can see these on my Guerlain Catalog Numbers Page.

The newer boxes often have the batch codes printed near the base or on the base of the box, sometimes you can only find the batch codes on the bottle's themselves (either stamped into the label or onto the glass itself). On recent boxes, both batch codes on the box and bottle should match.

Generic Seventies: (box black and white zig-zag boxes, with gold oval medallion in center) :
(from 1977 until 1980). The first digit always represents the year (there will be 10 letters used - which are repeated every 10 years), and second digit is the month it was made (there will be a total of 12 letters used, one for each month in a year). 8 or 9 DIGITS, starting with:
  • P = 1976
  • S = 1977
  • V = 1978
  • D = 1979
  • M = 1980
Remember, the second letter indicates the month, according the following scheme: H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)

Probably 1979/1980 until 1995 : AT LEAST 6 digits batch-codes. Black and White zig zag boxes were discontinued in 1983.  
  • (6-digits-batches starting with J , probably year 1979-1980)
  • (6-digits-batches starting with S, P, W, between 1983-1987)
  • (6-digits-batches starting with Y, U, M, Z, between 1988-1993)
  • (6-digits-batch codes starting with U, M, Z are between 1988 and 1993)

(from 1981 until 1983): 6-DIGITS (always on B&W ZigZag boxes)
starting with:
  • U = 1981
  • Z = 1982
  • J = 1983

From 1984 to 1995) : (White ZigZag boxes are not used anymore)
  • 6 or 7 DIGITS, starting with:
  • Y = 1984
  • W =1985 (example: WB 6AA 1)
  • P = 1986
  • S = 1987 (example: SA 4BC 1)
  • V = 1988
  • D = 1989

Here the BARCODE appears on the box
  • M = 1990 (example: MH 3AA 2)
  • U = 1991
  • Z = 1992 (example ZX 4BB 1)
Here the GREEN DOT appears on the box
  • J = 1993
  • Y = 1994
  • W = 1995
(again, second digit is the month, according the following scheme: H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)

(second digit is the month, according the following scheme: H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)

From 1988/1989 to present all Guerlain boxes bore a bar-code. So if your box has no bar code it means it was made before 1988. Bar code only means between 1988-to-1993.

The second digit is the month, according the following scheme: 
  • H=January
  • E=February
  • B=March
  • X=April
  • T=May
  • K=June
  • L=July
  • N=August
  • F=September
  • R=October
  • A=November
  • C=December

From 1994/1995 to present all Guerlain boxes bore the greendot recycle symbol. If your box has both the bar code and greendot together it means it was after 1994.

Second digit is a month according the following scheme:
  • H=January
  • E=February
  • B=March
  • X=April
  • T=May
  • K=June
  • L=July
  • N=August
  • F=September
  • R=October
  • A=November
  • C=December

Since 1996 : 5-digits-ONLY batch codes
  • 1996 5 digits starting with P
  • 1997 5 digits starting with S
  • 1998 5 digits starting with V example (VR 0 VR)
  • 1999 5 digits starting with D example (DB 0 FS)
  • 2000 5 digits starting with M
  • 2001 5 digits starting with U (example: UT 01 K)
  • 2002 5 digits starting with Z
  • 2003 5 digits starting with J
  • 2004 5 digits starting with Y

After the year 2000 Guerlain messed up something with batches or recycled old batch codes, so -for example- you find a 2M01 batch that should mean 2012, and , it's actually...2002. You can resolve such a puzzle only looking at the box (in this case it was an older box: since you know modern boxes -since 2008- are different, you can guess it was 2002, and not 2012)

(from 2002 to 2007) : 4-DIGITS 
Starting with a number and a letter from the 1st half of alphabet (A-to-M)
  • 2 = 2002 (example 2J02)
  • 3 = 2003
  • 4 = 2004
In between these years, you will find the LONG LIST of ingredients (which mark a significant reformulation) on the boxes.
  • 5 = 2005 (example 5C01)
  • 6 = 2006
  • 7 = 2007

Year 2005 : mixed batches
  • 5 digits starting with W
  • 4 digits:
  • 5XXX = 2005 (example 5C01)

Since 2006 : 4-digits-ONLY starting with number
  • 6XXX = 2006
  • 7XXX = 2007
  • 8XXX = 2008
  • 9XXX = 2009
  • 0XXX = 2010
  • 1XXX = 2011
  • 2XXX = 2012
  • 3XXX = 2013 . 
Since 2008 : 4 Digits Only
starting with a number and a letter from the 2nd half of alphabet (N-to-Z)
  • 8 = 2008 (example 8XXX)
  • 9 = 2009 (example 9W02)
  • 0 = 2010 (example 0XXX)
  • 1 = 2011 (example 1T01)
  • 2 = 2012 (example 2XXX)
  • 3 = 2013 (example 3N01) The 2013 batch codes begin with 3N, 3P, 3Q, 3R, 3S, 3T, 3U, 3V and 3W. And then 3X, 3Y and 3Z for October, November and December.
  • 4 = 2014
  • 5 = 2015 (example 5P02)
  • 6 = 2016
  • 7 = 2017


  1. hey I have a number UN13N what this mean? as well YT 4BF 2, another one is DK1HU

    1. UN13N is from 2001. YT4BF2 is from 1984. DK1HU is from 1999.

  2. My Mitsouku bottle is stamped 6wo1... what year??

    1. hi, it depends on what your bottle shape, label design and box style is, as the modern 4 digit batch codes are often repeated every 10 years.

  3. Actually, there is a way to tell 2012 from 2002, etc. ("After the year 2000 Guerlain messed up. . .")
    The earlier 4-digit bottles go up to the letter "M" (as per your example, that is why 2M01 is 2002; from N on, it will be 2008 on. See Raiders of the Lost Scent for details. I've found it very helpful. And thank you for giving us all the great information on this blogspot!

  4. I have a Shalimar Clock Face bottle with HP Guerlain Paris 11 stamped on the bottom of the bottle. Can you decipher this for me? THXS

  5. Hi
    I have with number 8A01.what this mean?

  6. What is 3W01 for meterioties powder?

  7. Sehr nützlich. Herzlichen Dank!

  8. I have 9A01 what does that mean. Thanks

  9. Hi, I have seen Shalimar Extrait for sale in the blue paper packaging with numbers on the sticker on the front of the blue paper box. Are those numbers batch numbers? Many thanks!

  10. no, sounds like the Catalog Reference numbers, see my link here https://guerlainperfumes.blogspot.com/p/guerlain-catalog-numbers.html

  11. Hi,
    What is SL7AD3 For Habit Rouge Eau de Cologne?

  12. Is it normal for the code on a gift set box to be different from the bottle? Box - 8M01; Bottle 8L02.... one month apart

    1. Yes, the perfume was produced before the set was put together

  13. I recently purchased L"Heure Bleue EDP with OKO1 code. Is it genuine and what does it mean?

  14. I have a Guerlain Mitsouko perfume heart shape stoppered sealed bottle. The sticker on the bottom is all blue- under the emblem is 51 and on the right side of the sticker under the writing is 4C.
    I cannot find the date in my research-

    1. -Before 1950: "Red&Blue" sticker with indication to "Province and Belgium" and roman numbers on the right side
      -1950-1957: "Red&Blue" sticker without indication to "Belgium" and with roman numbers on left side
      -1957-early 1960s: monochrome sticker with arabic numerals only, ending with "...magasins de Paris."
      -Early 1960s-1967: monochrome sticker ending with "..legislation en vigueur."
      -1967-1976: monochrome sticker with a letter in left corner (usually A or B)
      -since 1976 : traditional batch code

  15. Hi, thank you for the very useful info. I have found bottles with batch codes with 5 digits, this mean they are from 1996 to 2000, right?

    1. Batch codes with 5 digits date from 1995 to 2001.

  16. Any idea for a Mitsouko edp 5so1? Thank you

    1. But it starts with 5S? And S is outside of the A-M range which you claimed to be manufactured in the 2010s… after 2008 no? My mitsouko edt is 6D01… should it be April 2006? Or 2016?

  17. Greetings & thank you for this wonderful info.
    For Habit Rouge MA0QF, when was it manufactured? Thank you.

  18. Hi, Today I purchased from a chemist 50ml Mon Guerlain EDP. The colour is not pink. The base of the box shows the number 6Y03. On the back of the box it lists ingredients starting with Alcohol and ending with C1 19140 (Yellow 5) 10404. Is this a fake product? I would appreciate your feedback, kind regards Francesca

    1. The batch code would indicate 2016. I believe the perfume was bottled in 2016, and it was publicly launched in March 2017. It makes sense to have bottles ready for the shelves ahead of time.

  19. I have a Mitsouko Parfum 30ml in square bottle with batch 9K01. Is it 2009 or 2019?
    Do you know when the transition to the new (old style) bottles took place?

  20. guerlain mitsouko SX2JZ ? and guerlain shalimar SH1A2 ?

    1. Both the Shalimar and the Mitsouko are from 1997

  21. Interesting… so a VK 34J would be vintage or not?

    1. This is from 1998 5 digits starting with V

  22. Bonjour, j'ai un flacon heure bleue 30 ml ,bouchon coeur, boîte parquet avec une étiquette portant le numéro suivant BMO924OF. je n'arrive pas à retrouver la date . pouvez vous m'aider? merci

    1. Sounds like it dates from 1976 until 1980, this is when batch codes had 8 or 9 digits

  23. Hi, my Herba Fresca has a 9C01 code, but I'm not sure its from 2009, because of packaging. There is a white sticker on a bottle, do you know when this design starts?


    1. 7N01 = 2015 for L'Homme Ideal, released in 2014.

  25. Dear GH
    Your site is fascinating. I tried to email this question, but I do not think the "contact me" function is working. My wife is a big Mitsouko fan, she will not wear anything else and has been wearing it for over 40 years. Having never thrown an empty bottle away, we have rows of them throughout the house. She also has a rather lovely and quite old Bottle and interesting small “promo” bottle, neither of these are dated but when I dig them out of boxes (we have recently moved) I will be investigating them further, on your site. What I have written about is a bottle, three quarters full, in its original box that I found almost accidently at an open air antiques market at the weekend. Ironically, this was after walking out of the House of Fraser in Cheltenham having bought Jo a brand new bottle of the same! It’s an Amphora/rose-top bottle in the brown/gold box with a man/tree/birds design on. From your site it would appear (green monochrome label..wording.. etc) that the bottle is between 1967-1976. The Label “batch number” is A47 bottom left, and stamped 22 on the bottom right. Do you know how to narrow this date down further please? Your wonderful site has quite a lot of detail for ’76 onwards, but I could not find anything that narrows the dates between ’67-’76.
    Thank you so much, Tony.

    1. Hi Tony,

      Thank you for your message. Please email me directly at cleopatrasboudoir@gmail.com - I would love to see photos, thanks again!

    2. Thanks GH, emailed. Best wishes T&J.

  26. Hi, I just happened to stumble across your page when trying to find an age of a miniature splash of Samsara. I was wondering if you could tell me what year is was made. It's a PB 2NX. I'm new to this and I got it w/o a box so i wasn't sure how to decipher it from all the info you provided. I hope you still check this page out and thank you so much for your time! -Sheila

  27. batch code samsara 2V01 is that a fake?

  28. So Motsouko with code DNOKJ is from August 1989? Golden box. Can’t see if there’s batch code on the photo..

  29. I just found out, there’s a bar code in the box. But the recycle mark is golden, not green. 5 letter batch code starting with a D must be from 1999.

  30. I just bought Guerlain ideal lhomme EDP , box shown 2A01, is it legit ?

  31. Hi, first of all many thanks for this great overview!
    I am struggling to identify rom when my bottles are. I have three different ones:
    - Heritage EDP 8D01 (100ml - Longish bottle and not the square one)
    - L'Instant EDP 9D01 (100ml - Longish bottle and not the square one)
    - Vetiver EDT 7P01 (200ml - Longish bottle and not the square one)

    Checkfresh says that e.g. the 8D01 is from 2018 but according to you explanation this should be a 2008 bottle?!

    I would really much appreciate if you could let me know your estimation?!
    Many thanks!

  32. I have a L'Heure Bleue with 6WO1. Any idea when it's from?

  33. Hello i have spiritueuse double vanille batch code 1A01 and one other 8J01 what does it mean please?

  34. I have a Guerlain Apres L'ondee Parfum 30ml - BNIB code DC22U- does anyone know the year and it's value please?

    1. It was made in 1999. For values, use my appraisal service: https://guerlainperfumes.blogspot.com/p/flacon-carre-bas-de-forme-low-square.html

  35. Do you have any information on bad batches of Mitsouko from 2015? Any batch codes to be aware of? Apparently this was a year where it was reformulated poorly, causing a stir with Mitsouko lovers everywhere. I am currently hunting down a vintage bottle for myself but want to make sure I don’t end up buying with that, what others have called, is a stinky batch. Thank you 🙏🏽

  36. Can anyone date a Mitsouko 75ml EDP for me please? It’s got 5 digits followed by an unknown symbol which is confusing the ageing of it. The numbers before it are DF0XK and then immediately after those 5 digits is something that looks like an abbreviation comma like you’d see in “it’s”, or perhaps it’s part of a number. I’ve got a picture of it which would be easier but not able to upload it here. Thanks in advance 😊

  37. I found a bottle of Shalimar - the "watch" bottle, with a silver pointed cap, and a sticker on the bottom that has 89. DL0791AD1. No box, the ties on the neck are fixed with a sticker, not a wax seal, and the top is pointed and silver. Maybe a fake Maybe from 1978/9?

    1. This does not sound fake to me. I have found that some of the plastic stoppers can lose their gilded color after awhile and end up looking more silvery.

  38. The code on my box of Shalimar is DA-13-C. Can you identify the year?

  39. Hi, I have an almost full bottle of Vol de Nuit (propeller bottle) complete with zebra box purchased on ebay from Belgium about 10 years ago. On base of bottle:
    Celte marchandise
    P PARIsendue
    ne peut etre
    que dans les magasins
    de GUER LAIN
    En PROVINCE et
    enBELGIQUE elle nepeut
    etre vendue au-dessous
    de PARIS de Ses magasins
    To the left under an offial looking seal is the number 127.
    Year please?

  40. Hello, I'm so thankful I found this blog! I have a Guerlain bottle I believe to be Shalimar, the logo sticker is missing. Gold stopper and Code on the bottom of the bottle is in gold, Code is VK 2MB. From what I can find "K" is June, but what year does the "V" represent? Thank you so much for your time.

  41. Hi, I am trying to work out if 9D01 and 9L01 are genuine on bottles of Idylle. I know this means 2009, but another guide online says they used the letters N onwards for that year so I wanted to double check.

  42. Hi! Thank you so much for being a much needed resource! I have a bottle of Jardins de Bagatelle with a batch code of JA 3EA1. What year do you reckon?

  43. I have a bottle of l’homme ideal eau de toilette, batch code 4v01 , is 2014 or am i wrong ?

  44. is Guerlain Heritage edt VL 2G6 a valid code?

  45. Bonjour,
    Merci pour cette mine d'informations ! Je suis collectionneur et je ne parviens pas à date les bouteilles Flacon Abeilles Or 250 ml pour l'eau de parfum L'Heure Bleue, merci infiniment pour votre aide. Bien à vous. Belle année à vous !

  46. How does it continue after 2020?

    Thank you for such an informative blog:)

  47. Thanks a lot for this thorough batch code guide. I have a bottle of Eau de Guerlain in Eau de Toilette concentration (not Eau de Cologne) with batch code ZE 2AA 3. Would you be kind enough to tell me the batch year?

  48. Thanks for this information. I still can’t quite identify the date of the batch number on the box and bottle of my newly purchased Aqua Allegoria Nettare Di Sole - 1 LO 1. Could you kindly decipher for me?

  49. Hi there! I have a bottle of l'Instant that has the code 5C01 and I can’t discern whether this means 2005 or 2015. Can you help? What an amazing blog this is. Just found it today!

  50. Hi, i have a bottle here that has a batch code UC 1EB 4 can you please help me in knowing what is the batch year for this?

    Many Thanks!

  51. I have a sealed "APRÊS L'ONDEE" 1oz Bottle. How can I determine if it is a Factice or Display bottle without opening it? There is a code on the bottom JH 2BA 2. Are you able to confirm this date code? Thank you!

  52. can you help me with this batch code for mitsouko MA ODA 3

  53. Hello, I have Shalimar pure perfume 15ml bottle with a batch code PH 300, I can’t wrap my head around what year it could be from 🙈

  54. Shalimar extract 15ml batch code PH 300 what year it could be ? 🫶

  55. I have an Eau De Guerlain (blue label) batch code ZB0R8. I feel like it doesn't fit any of what is described above. Thoughts? It does seem to indicate it was a tester

  56. I have L'Homme Ideal EDP with a code 3J01. Does it mean 2013 ?

  57. Hi, could you please help me identifying my Shalimar year? It comes in the nice purple velvet box, and has a sticker
    A23 89

    Wit this code on box:
    VB 7PA 5
    Thank you!

    1. Shalimar: 1996-2001 - EDC Imperiale: 1988

    2. Thank you so much for answering, the Shalimar would be from 1996 or 2001?

  58. Hello, thank you so much for this resource! Hoping you could help me with some batch codes. I’ve had a bottle of LHB since about 2011? with the batch code 1P01. As far as I can tell that’s a 2011 batch. I’m down to my last few ml and trying to replace it, and bought a vintage bottle with code 0U01, presuming it was a 2010. It smells much more like the reformation, and is completely missing the chewy, heliotrope dry down of my old bottle. Could it be possible my 1P01 batch is actually a 2001 from the letters mixup you mentioned happened in 2000? I fully rememeber but but I think it might have come in the gold box with the black banner.

  59. Hello! I've acquired a Shalimar EDT in a black and white zig zag box with the blue and white patterned bottle, but the batch code is only 5 digits (UF1D1) and is from a New York distribution rather than Paris. I assume this is 1981 rather than 2001 because of the box. Am I correct? Did American batch codes use less digits than their European counterparts? Thanks for your help. :)


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